Vince Lindenmeyer, Ph.D.
Vince Lindenmeyer is Principal, CFOUR Foundation LLC ( actively supporting women, minorities, veterans, persons with disabilities, and the formerly incarcerated in starting non-profits and businesses to thrive and achieve economic growth for equality and justice.
CFOUR Foundation operates across four pillars: nonprofit consulting (, learning and development (, Analytics & Assessments (Sensemaking story collection), and Self Development (
As an educator, Dr. Vince Lindenmeyer has taught face-to-face and distance learning over the past 19-years. Vince has a passion for increasing engagement through new methodologies and educational technologies. His research interests include sensemaking for organizational effectiveness and microlearning for increased engagement. Vince earned a BS in Systems Engineering (West Point, United States Military Academy), an MS, an M.Ed., a MA in Strategic Studies, and a Ph.D. in Education.
Colonel Vince Lindenmeyer, Ph.D., US Army (Retired) served a 26-year career as an Airborne Ranger in the infantry, logistics, and strategist career fields while serving stateside and overseas in Korea, Egypt, Qatar, and Iraq, earning the Bronze Star Medal.
The Reverend (Dr.) Cynthia Ramirez Lindenmeyer founded the Sacred Activism Community, an online virtual community, focused on a member's spiritual growth, a call to social activism, and the community’s healing of individuals, our society, our Earth, and our Universe. Vince & Cynthia parent two kids and two dogs.